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It’s been well over a year since my last ‘Rule Britannia’ post, things have been quiet-ish.

Well, Rishi Sunak made it to the end of the electoral term. Everything, politics-wise, is on hold as he has called for a general election on 4 July 2024. We have entered a period known as ‘purdah’, a period of ‘seclusion or isolation’. It stems from Hindustani, a veil or curtain to screen women from male view. Odd really. Politicians always do their best to isolate themselves from the public – until they want to be elected, of course.

Young Rishi is the outgoing Conservative Prime Minister, with Keir ‘flip flop’ Starmer, leader of the ever-hopeful opposition, the Labour Party, sometimes known as ‘pinko-lefties’ due to their affiliation with trade unions, and the old Communist regime.

My concern is that after 14 years of Conservative government the electorate will have forgotten what a shower of woke, spineless, scheming, terrorist-loving, give-it-away wasters the Labour party is. They brought the country to its knees last time, and before that, during the Cold War, Prime Minister Harold Wilson was strongly suspected of passing secrets to the Russians.

There will be appearances by Independents, Scottish Nationalists, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, weird Greens, and others. Most are too obscure to mention, but I’m sure someone will.

It is difficult to know where to go for honest coverage of the forthcoming campaigns. Our once-bastion of truth and straight news, the BBC, is now so biased that they don’t even attempt to cover it with a pretence of honesty. Other news sources are no better, biased either one way or t’other – one may just as well read ‘Pravda’ (Russian news, ironically the name is Russian for ‘truth’, itself an oxymoron).

I was about to mourn the late Lord Sutch, he was known as Screaming Lord Sutch, (not a real lord, he added the ‘Lord’ by deed poll,) thinking that we no longer have the Monster Raving Loony Party – but, I am pleased to say, such(!) lunacy prevails. Listed as the Official Monster Raving Loony Party, with an ideology of ‘political satire’, its leader is Alan “Howling Laud” Hope. A little spark of humanity (for only us Brits though!) to brighten a dull, doom-laden few weeks until our new leader is installed in The House.

But what’s going on over the pond? Donald J. Trump, ex-president of the good old US of A, has been found guilty on 34 charges of fraud, including paying off a floozie so she’d keep shtum during his election campaign – and he is hoping to be re-elected!

Put the kettle on. We’ll need a cuppa … and a biscuit!